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These documents are all relevant to Farrell Marsh and the beaver family that lives there as of 2021

Farrell Marsh - the Saga

This is a link to Councilperson Nancy Henderson's excellent summary of the history of Farrell Marsh, the beavers, and the flooding.

1998 Farrell Marsh Report

​The 1998 report, "Farrell Marsh: How do we Keep it Natural?" by Dees and Associates offered ambitious ideas for the further development of Farrell Marsh Park. Unfortunately, the Abitibi paper plant closed, eliminating a large source of income to the town, so most of the ideas were not pursued.

The report has a tremendous amount of great information though.

Other documents will be added soon

This website is brand new, and there's just one person working on it at the moment, so please be patient. Thanks!

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